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Things should be simple. So here is the link to download the KPImailer kit. The zip file includes the executable installer for KPImailer.
Click here to start downloading KPImailer.
Do not forget to read the Technical Requirements, also.
Need assistance or more info? Contact us
Meet KPImailer from our customers experience:
„KPImailer automatically creates and distributes reports when the customer uploads new data on our platform.“
Marius – IT Director
Finance Industry Company
“I was amazed at first by the ease of setup! Being able to give the Sales department about 1 man-hour every day, with a 15 minutes worth of work on my side, on day 1 of the implementation seems unbelievable, but nonetheless true.”
Nicolae Dumitrescu - IT Manager
Ophthalmic lens industry
“I don’t have bad experience with this product. The automated stuff about emails and higly parameterizable content.”
Florin Grasu
Healthcare industry

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